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Bleach brave souls artwork

Thanks to the sick stick in the “Kick-ass 2” movie that becomes the reason for some major gruesome scenes. Despite such an ugly clip, the said movie was liked by many because of its beautiful plot.

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If we talk about the movie “Bridesmaids,” the scene where all the bridesmaids suffer severe food poisoning and end up vomiting and pooping in the sink, the audience is surprised. Let us look at some of the films that developed similar or even worse reactions from their audience.

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The fact that many past films also had such cinematics and concepts gives us more reasons to like Swedish directors’ work. Triangle of Sadness is not the only movie with awful and disgusting scenes that make the audience puke or walk out of the theatre. It might become one of the viral movies on the internet because of the diversity of topics. The intense and savage, 15- minute viral portrayal of filthy vomits and poopy floods got the attention of many and, resultantly, heaps of criticism. This movie got the most vocal audience reactions because it flips the social status and tears down the rich. While some left the theatre in disgust, others kept shrieking in horror and laughter at the movie’s awful scenes, as quoted by many. Though the initial poster might have disgusted the masses, it simply cannot overshadow the message and essence of the movie.

  • This is unfair to the movie, and it should be talk of the town for other great reasons.
  • We feel these are gross scenes, but movies with nastier scenes exist, and an overemphasis is not placed on those scenes.
  • Triangle of Sadness has been received as a movie with very gross scenes.
  • Other movies in the competition were Top Gun: Maverick and the new Elvis, which also attracted the eyes of many at the festival. It lasted eight minutes and is believed to have surpassed the ovations other movies received at the festival. When played in Cannes’ Palais theater, the movie’s world premiere compelled the audience to give a loud and powerful standing ovation.
  • Movies With Similar Scenes and Concepts.

  • Bleach brave souls artwork